Sunday, April 18, 2010

It Started With a Toaster...It Ended With a Toaster

Relationships are hard.  Marriage is harder...and BOTH are worth the effort.  Love is always worth the effort.  So why then do things seem to turn so nasty during a break-up and even worse during a divorce?  Where did the love go?  Where did the kindness go?  Where did mutual respect go?  Where did even common sense go?  Recently going through a divorce it was so troubling for me to see that, 14 years of marriage, 16 years together, came down to a conversation of "things", specifically the division of things.  Though I knew this conversation was inevitable, I was taken by surprise at how disturbing of an experience it would prove to be.  As we sat in the dining room of our now up-for-sale home, discussing and listing items for our 50/50 "valuables and assets" split, I knew we were in trouble when we were only on item #7 out of 42 and the only thing we had agreed on is that we didn't agree on anything!  It went something like this:

"BBQ." Me. 
"Well I get that for sure." Him.
"Well why, if you are taking the boat?" Me. 
"Because we bought the BBQ for me." Him. 
"Ok, then I'll take the camping stuff instead." Me. 
"But you gave me the camping stove for my birthday and it goes with all the other camping stuff (he really said this, as if random camping stuff is a "matched" set...WHATEV)." Him. 
"Ok, you can have the camping stuff and I'll take the fire pit." Me. 
"Well that's not fair." Him. 
"How is that not fair?" Me. 
" can't even move it by yourself anyway (it's a huge brick and granite thing)." Him. 
"I'll figure that out.  I'd like to have the fire pit." Me. 
"Well if you get the fire pit then I get the brown patio furniture and the hammock with the hammock stand and you can have the green patio furniture." Him. 
"Why?  The green patio furniture is old!" Me.

And so it continued like this, on and on, getting nowhere.  At the end of items 1-7, I got one item!  An old patio set.  Then item #8, a toaster:
"I want the toaster." Him (CLEAR by now that, not only did he WANT everything, but he somehow felt entitled to everything...I guess as payback for me leaving him). 
"Well, I just bought that toaster, picked it out specifically because it could toast bagels and also an oven below.  I'd really like to keep it since I bought it." Me. 
"Oh, so I guess you think you get everything in the kitchen?!" Him. 
"Um, no, just the toaster..." Me. 

I then realized how completely hideous and oddly hysterical it was that we were negotiating over a toaster.  A TOASTER!  A toaster, ironically in fact, was the first item we ever bought together 14 years earlier...and now, here we were, bartering over one.  I stepped back, and his blood boiling in true "him" fashion, I said:

"How about you just go down the list and put an "x" next to all the things you feel strongly that you want and I'll just take the rest."  Me. 

I was DONE!  I'm a lover not a fighter - not to be mistaken for being weak, that I am not.  Some things are worth the energy to fight for...others are not.  My son Tanner was worth fighting for.  And so, it was in that "toaster" moment that I realized how little, truly, "things" reeeeaaaaalllly matter.  Sure, things are nice.  Really nice.  Everyone knows I love me some shoes, and furnishings given that I was an interior design major in college.  But when the "things" in your life start to overrule the "people" in your life, and start to cloud your better judgment, then it's time to cut the binding ties of things and get back to the basics.  Back to what is really important and ultimately fulfilling...and it is NOT in a Nordstrom shopping bag or in a leather chaise.  So I walked away, said goodbye to about 95% of all our things (and about 99.99999% of our assets value)...and I have never been happier!  Sitting in an empty house in our new place, just me and my son Tanner, some artwork, a piano, a queen mattress, a bed I picked up for Tanner on Craigslist one day before, and two of our four dogs, I was, strangely, inexplicably, at peace.  There are not words to express the amazingness of that moment.  White walls.  White mattress.  White comforter.  White sheets.  White pillows.  Pure peace.  Soul changing peace.  Looking around my new room with bare walls, bare windows, no bed-frame yet and thinking back to the beautiful leather and walnut sleigh-bed that I had bought only a year ago that I admittedly broken-heartedly, gave-in to letting him keep...I have never been more satisfied with just a mattress on the floor and have NEVER felt more at home. 
Since then, slowly, each paycheck I have started to rebuild, replace, reinvest in things and my absolute appreciation of each of these newly acquired things is a BONUS lesson.  I will say that it has been surprising how expensive it is to replace a houseful of items (especially 14 years of stuff)...towels, bedding, dishes, silverware, blender, broom, mop, kitchen utensils, knives, cheese grater, can opener, blankets, trash cans, a couch, curtains for every room, DVD player, bookcases...the list goes on and on.  Additionally, have you ever tried to replace a pantry and a fridge of food - ain't cheap (spices, syrup, condiments, plus all the perishables, etc. adds up quickly).  I actually took pictures of the pantry and the fridge after our first shopping trip, $400 later, the pantry and fridge were still pretty empty, but that moment symbolized a new start, a fresh start and I wanted to remember it forever.  I remember making my original list after moving in of the things above that I needed to buy and feeling very overwhelmed, but then reflected back to the first few nights that my son Tanner and I spent in a nearly empty room with just a mattress, a comforter and two pillows with music playing...and the peace, oh the peace!  There is a freedom that comes from that kind of peace.  I am so deeply grateful for this lesson in my life.  The first thing I purchased on my first shopping trip?  Yep, you guessed it, a toaster...and toast never tasted so good.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Pink Fever!

There is something special, almost magical, that happens each year in the Northwest that alerts me that Spring has sprung, even if the calendar shows otherwise and that is, the turning of muted hues of chocolate and evergreen to a fluffy shade of cotton-candy pink - known as the birth of the cherry blossom.  It happens, it seems, literally overnight!  I go to bed to familiar landscape of stick-like trees against the steamy riverbank and then BAM, while catching some zzzz's, a new morning view as I drive down my hill past a perfectly rowed lane of cherry blossom trees...and it is magnificent!

I love these romantic trees so much that, just as a baby bird in flight is called home by her mother, I am summoned back each Spring to visit UW (University of Washington - GO DAWGS) campus, as the sight of the quad in it's pink-blossomed frenzy is spectacular and gives me some kind of warm 'n fuzzy. 

Once there, I am always inspired by the glimpse of the UW men's rowing team, appropriately bundled in turtlenecked Under Armor and knit caps, gliding seemingly effortlessly through slight, somehow enticing, fog across glossy Lake Washington.  And am always surprised at my curious appeal of aged red-bricked buildings and stone walkways amongst shady lawns, and how they seem to scream out an invitation to "COME SIT FOR AWHILE!" and I just must accept. 

Then, almost as sneakily as those pink-poms appeared, they are gone.  Shades of lime and kelly appear in their place, barely noticing the previously baby-pink fleurettes now withered, deep magenta, smashed droplings on the ground.  Until, in the glory that is singularly Mother Nature, I am enchanted once again in a years turn of the calendar.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

OPERATION: Free the Fleece...and Your Little Dog's Fleece Too

IN SUPPORT OF MY mission to prevent Snuggie world domination, I am offering a contest, an incentive of sorts, to free the world of Snuggie takeover, one Snuggie at a time. 

Two ways to play.  Here's how...

- $50 to the winner's charity of choice AND a $20 iTunes gift card for the winner of "The Most Creative Use Of" award for the person who most creatively re-purposes their Snuggie.  Winner will be chosen by vote (stay-tuned for voting entries soon).

- $20 iTunes gift card to a person chosen by random drawing from a pool of those who send me a photo and/or receipt as proof that you donated your Snuggie to a retirement or convalescent home.

Only two rules 1) Deadline for entries is midnight, March 31st and 2) HAVE FUN!  Winners will be announced on April 1st.


Why Operation FTF, you ask?  Simple.  I am driven by three external motivating factors and by three internal motivating factors...

EXTERNAL: 1) A lady on the bus was talking about personalizing Snuggies for each of her family members, with removable/re-usable different holiday decals throughout the year , 2) Last night I saw a lady using her Snuggie IN the movie theater, and 3) I never want to see a photo again of a family of four in their Snuggies on Super Bowl Sunday!

INTERNAL:  1) 5.6% because I find their commercials to be the most condescending and ridiculous attempt to appeal to smart people - a family of Snuggie wearers in the bleachers, for real?, 2) 2.6% because I LOVE blankets.  REAL blankets.  Cozy, soft, squishy blankets for snuggling or watching TV/movies.  Not blankets incognito, in a version that is essentially just a thin, fleece (definition: polyester made by reacting terephthalic acid, a petroleum derivative, with ethylene glycol, another petroleum derivative, commonly known as antifreeze), choir robe.  And who cares about the whole hands-free argument, I don't.  They look ridiculous, however you try to spin it, and 3) 91.8% because...I INVENTED the same darn thing when I was 10!  So, I'm jealous (there I said it), that I'm not the one raking in the dough, laughing all the way to the bank, while counting my Benjamin's from my third story St. Lucia vacation home balcony. 


Q:  Do I have to be present to win?
A:  No, you only need be alive at the time of the announcement.

Q:  What if I don't use iTunes?
A:  No problem, I'll gladly substitute for another gift card of your choice (except for Walmart).

Q:  Can I enter more than once?
A:  YES, please do.  The more you help the cause, the better.  And each Snuggie entered is an additional entry into the drawing.

Q:  Do I have to be your Facebook friend to win?
A:  No, please spread the word.  If you have friends/family members/random strangers that you would like to share the contest with, please do.  Again, the more the merrier.  My email is and can also be found on my Facebook profile.

Q:  Is this a real contest or have you just lost your mind?
A:  Both!

Q:  Were you dropped on your head as a little girl?
A:  Yes, I think so...several times.

Q:  What if I have a Snuggie knock-off, does that qualify?
A:  YES. Take a "before" and "after" photo and that will work just fine.

Let the FUN begin!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Shiny Happy People

VOGUE.  PEOPLE.  COSMO(POLITAN).  You name the mag, they've got 'em - page after page of "Shiny Happy People".  I'll be the first to admit, I get sucked in and can't wait to get my "pretty people" fix.  Yahoo's omg! is my first place I go when I jump on the net, to flip through the latest celeb event digital photo albums.  But as much as I love the visual stimulation of those overglossed, underdressed shots, I have realized that my love for them is left there, on the page and on the screen.  Fantasy is not my fulfillment.  In the spirit of the poem known as "The Statue of Liberty" poem, the inpsiring famous words, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." I say, "Give me your authentic, your honest, raw self.  Bring me all of who you are, ragged edges and all."  And so shall I.  Because THAT's what friendships and true connections are made of.  Behind the celeb's shiny, "happy", porcelain-veneered smiles and orchestrated press-line photos, are people.  Just like me.  Just like you.  And so, though I do appreciate the creative expression of an adorned body, the artistry of a masterfully make-up'd face, and crave the visual fireworks from perusing the pages of the newest fashion issue on the newstand, they are just that, an exhibition of beauty...not the substance of what is beautiful.  And I am reminded - beautiful on the outside means nothing if you are ugly on the inside...and beautiful on the inside can go a long way to compensate for ugly on the outside.